Colleen Nachtrieb
Creative Director/UX Director
LEGO Universe was a 2010 MMO released on PC, targeting children and LEGO enthusiast years 12+. I had the pleasure to join the LEGO team as a UX Designer, where I improved on many flows within the game, hooked up new sounds, adjusted screens for localization, designed UX for new systems such as Crafting, Garmadon Boss fight, Recipes, and helped support the effort to switch the game from a subscription based model to a micro-transaction monetization model.
Wire-frame and concept idea for HUD improvements in LEGO Universe.
Wire-frame and UI flow work for a fusion crafting UI in LEGO Universe.
Crafting UI, highlighting requirements.
Wire-frame show casing the flow between crafting and inventory management in LEGO Universe.
Wire-frame work for enchanting items in LEGO Universe.
Continuation of different states inside of the enchanting UI of LEGO Universe.
Wire-frame concept for Reforging/Enchanting in LEGO Universe.
Final Screens
Design concept for LEGO Universe Re-forging UI. Step 1.
Reforging Concept 1 Step 2. LEGO Universe.
Concept 1 final step in completing reforged item. LEGO Universe.
Final Reforging Design for LEGO Universe. Step 1.
Final Reforging Design for LEGO Universe. Step 2.
Final Reforging Design for LEGO Universe. Step 3 - only if the player does not have sufficient funds.
Final Reforging Design for LEGO Universe. Step 3. Final Step followed by animation.